Laws dealing with telecoils and hearing loops have been enacted in a growing number of states.
Below are samples of some of those laws that are grouped by category that could be used as the pattern for similar laws in other states. Following those groups is a link to a working draft of more such laws. Most have
been enacted and are in force. Some were unsuccessful efforts that did no get beyond committee hearings.
Click on the icon to read or download the applicable law
Telecoil Counseling Laws
Telecoil Training Laws
Hearing Loop Required Laws
Hearing Aid Trial Period/Refund Rules
Working Draft of Passed and Failed Laws
There Oughta Be a Law is the title of both an article* appeared in the July/August 2019 edition of Hearing Life magazine and a workshop presented at the 2016 HLAA convention in Salt Lake City. The workshop was a slide presentation that walked participants through the basics of the process for drafting, filing and advocating for a piece of legislation. Click on the icon below to view the slide presentation.
Magazine Article Slide Presentation