It's estimated there are over 48 million Americans living with measurable hearing loss. Many of these individuals could benefit from hearing loop/telecoil technology.
A growing number of airports in the US are joining their counterparts in Europe and elsewhere in making their terminals more accessible to travelers with hearing loss. Below is a link to the most recent Loop NM fact sheet listing known American airports that have have made the decision to Get in the Hearing loop.
Below is a link to a presentation to the management of the Albuquerque, NM Sunport advocating for the installation of hearing loops at all departure gates and elsewhere in the terminal. As a result of this presentation the looping of the airport is included in long term plans for upgrades at the facility.
The Gerald Ford Airport in Grand Rapids, MI was the first US airport known to have installed hearing loop technology in their terminal over a decade ago. Below is a slide presentation made to airport executives at presented at the Sixth Annual National Civil Rights in 2015.
The following is a collection of presentations on a variety of subjects that relate to hearing loss.
AMERICA IS GETTING IN THE HEARING LOOP ................................................................
TRAVEL WITH HEARING LOSS ..........................................................................................
LIVING WITH HEARING LOSS...............................................................................................
LIVING AND TRAVELING WITH HEARING LOSS ..............................................................
SMARTPHONES SANTA FE ................................................................................................
ST. LOUIS PRESENTATION .................................................................................................
ROCHESTER PRESENTATION ............................................................................................
THERE OUGHTA BE A LAW ...............................................................................................